- Face to face appointments
- Telephone appointments
- Physical Examination ( when requested by a clinician)
- Urine Sample dipstick test and sent to the lab (when requested by a clinician)
- Stool Samples (when requested by a clinician)
- Sputum Samples (when requested by a clinician)
- Nail Clippings ( when requested by a clinician)
- Smears
- Dressings
- Blood Tests (when requested by a clinician)
- BP Reading (when requested by a clinician)
- Height and weight check (when requested by a clinician)
- Wound Swabs (when requested by a clinician)
- ECGs (when requested by a clinician)
- Injections for B12, Depo, flu, pneumonia and shingles
- Child Immunisations
- Referrals for x-ray and ultrasound ( when requested by a clinician)
- Signposting to outside specialist services will be advised where necessary